Thursday, November 26, 2009

I just dyed my hair and..?

my hair was black and i used 12a navajo bronze natural instincts hair dye. it was suppose to be a light caramel brown color and when i washed my hair. nothing showed but now its drying and a little shows at the roots but barely, when my hair dries completly will it get lighter? or will it get lighter at all?

I just dyed my hair and..?

cut it ,problem solved !

I just dyed my hair and..?

ya i just dyed my hair to. when it is fully dry, you will probably see a difference.

I just dyed my hair and..?

when your hair is looks darker, so you have a chance of it lightening up. :]

I just dyed my hair and..?

You've gotta bleach black hair to dye it. Your hair's not going to get any lighter if you don't bleach it.

I just dyed my hair and..?

it mite, but it mite not, cuz black is obviously a very dark and strong color, so if u want it such a lite color it mite not dye it...if u want that big of a difference in color u'd hav 2 prolly talk 2 some1 at a hair salon and hav them put ALOT of dye in 2 make it lite. its hard 2 dye hair from so dark 2 so lite, unless u want 2 use bleach 2.....but b careful, bleach is strong and can damage hair if u apply 2 much.

I just dyed my hair and..?

i don't get the question!!

I just dyed my hair and..?

you might want to wait and use the same dye again in 2 days.. black hair is hard to change the color of because it is sooo dark. you might have to bleach it and then put the color on after.. u can color on wite paper and use all the crayons.. but can u color on black paper?? no. lol. get it?

I just dyed my hair and..?

Hard to change the color of pure black hair....I doubt it will be totally changed to what you wanted.

I just dyed my hair and..?

idk ? it might get lighter in the sun

I just dyed my hair and..?

it should get a little bit lighter.

i have the same should try hair dye thats meant for people with darker hair.

I just dyed my hair and..?

it should you should have started off with a dark brown and work your way lighter (I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM)

I just dyed my hair and..?

When you have black hair, you need to lighten it before you dye it a lighter color so it will show up. They have a stripper for your hair that you can use. It will likely not get much lighter than what you see now. I have seen people use a highlighting kit to lighten their hair before they dye it. You first have to get the darker color out before you can really go lighter.

I just dyed my hair and..?

You want to go too light for that kind of dye. You're going to have to get a permanent color, not something semi-permanent or demi-permanent like Natural Insticts, this kind of dye doesn't have the proper lightening agents. Using a dye like that is meant to enhance or change your color tone on the same "level" (or at least very close to it). Like, I could use light auburn to change the shade of my light brown hair to get a red color, but using the lightest strawberry blond will not make my hair a light strawberry blond. Though it works good if someone wants to go a lot darker because all it has to do is deposit color, I used to use it to dye my light brown hair black (though people should be warned that it won't wash out in 30 washes or whatever when doing such a thing) Here try this Natural Insticts "Find Your Shade" thing:

I just dyed my hair and..?

your best off going to an actual hairdressers if you want to lighten your hair

a normal dye wont do it.. u will have to use a bleach to lift the color

i used to have black hair that was in really good condition. and i tried dying it n it wud lift a lil bit but not noticably.. then i used a bleach and now im baby blonde.. but it rele dried my hair out.. it took alot of mainting.

i suguest u go to hair dressers n get them to do it and ask them how u can keep it in good condition

I just dyed my hair and..?

Clairol Natural Instincts is a Semi-permanent color line. This means it has no peroxide or ammonia in it, which means it WILL NOT lighten hair. It will only darken, or change the tone. If your wanting a lighter shade of hair, I would suggest a medium brown in a permanent color. I would also recommend that you see a pro because some over the counter hair colors contain ingredients that are way harsh on your hair.

I just dyed my hair and..?

If your hair is black or dark brown you need to use a 10 or 20 developer. You may also need to let a professional do it and you take notes for future referrence. Also ALL hair types are different so there is no way to tell you the out come on the net. Sorry :(

I just dyed my hair and..?

Sounds like you're trying to go from one extreme to the other. Look a the box it will tell you what colour to expect based on what colour your hair is from the start. If you are not happy with the results, wait a few weeks (3-4) and redo it but add a colour booster.

I just dyed my hair and..?

I don't think it will. Your roots will look lighter because they are natural hair and Natural hairs takes well to hair dyes but your black dyed will probably not.

If you want blond or golden highlights your best bet is to go to the salon, since your hair is Black it will be easier for them to get your hair to a lighter base than if your hair was red. however if you want a red noticeable hair I would suggest and I have use this (it does work) Excellence Hi Color Permanent Cream. It is a highlighting dye made specifically for Dark hair because it lifts 3 to 4 levels of color in one application no pre lightening required. Since you are going for a lighter brown color I suggest you use the the cool light brown. You will definitely see a difference.

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