I currently have long hair and semi side bangs that are now too grown out to really wear down anymore.
(ignore the cousin, sorry)
I really want to get layers on the sides and still somewhat of a bang/side bang combo that still has a good amount of length.
I'm looking for pictures to show my hair dresser what I want, currently my top ones are
Getting my hair cut in an hour or so and just want an opinion.?
Both of them pics of hair look awesome.. your hair is very pretty anyway ! if your looking for a REAL change then
cut your hair just a bit longer than your shoulders get a perfect straight style wit lots of layers and also a small fringe at the side.. it looks very funky ! i have seen a lot of my friends with this style and it is extremely pretty ! try it ! or if you dont like the sound of that just try thinning it out . .. highlights? maybe a bang or a bob, bangs will still work with long hair but about 2 inches would have to be cut off maybe ?
Getting my hair cut in an hour or so and just want an opinion.?
you would look good this Mandy Moore's hair cut the second one is the best and it would look great on you
Getting my hair cut in an hour or so and just want an opinion.?
i think you should get 5 types of different layers in your hair.
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