Sunday, June 20, 2010

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I

she knows it's sort of gross. In summer when she wears shorts the hairs really show and I think it's a little embarassing.

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

tell her i would want to know mabey she thinks you cant see so tell her before someone else does

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

yeah tell her...its better coming from a friend.

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

God yes, say something.

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

yes u should soo tell her

do u want her to get embarrsed in real life and ya

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

tell her/...... if ur a real friend u would.. it's not a big deal unless ur friend has some sort of problem.....

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

well u should tell her cuz thats emberassing

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

Yes, tell her. You are just causing her from future embarrassment! She will appreciate you being honest and she would rather it come from a friend then a stranger.

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

That is just nasty. Tell her she's gross. Ppl don't wanna see that nastiness.

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

yea as a friend..just say it nicely..

let her know..

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

Some guys think it's sexy (not me)

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

Better you then her getting Very embarased when someone else finds it O.o

Cause no doubt they will say something...

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

yes tell her its better for u to tell her now then someone else telling her and her getting wayyy embarrassed

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

yes, I would want my friends to let me

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

casually ask her why she doesn't.

So it's not like your straight up calling her out or telling her you think it's gross, you can just work it into the conversation that it's okay to shave her thighs.

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

you should probably tell her, but you dont have to like straight up tell her, you can like tell her as an advice or of your opinion. like you could be likeee 'you should shave up there your legs would look so good all the guys will stare' or just kinda blurt out 'you should shave above your knee i dont rlly know anyone who doesnt/its kinda weird/gross' i know its kinda skfjdlfsdf, but tell her the truth and as friends im sure she wont take it as personally..

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

i wouldnt say anything, it will hurt her feeling and she may not think anything is wrong with it. if you HAVE to ask her just say why do you only shave up to there. dont be like it looks gross, shave higher. never tell but always ask

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

no way youre friend might get really mad i am not allowed to shave above the knee

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

no,no,no,no,no baby you are not qualified enough to tell her.Use her boyfriend to tell her.But wait a minute baby,i have never heard of the mysterious hair taking a stroll down to anywhere near the knees,and in this case unless she decides to stick some artificial one to please some dude somewhere or to get noticed(you never know).Any way my take is i wouldn't mind even if it(this mysterios hair-forgive me for laughing loud)grows and rivals the Amazon forest as long as it grows where it matters.

My friend never shaves her legs above the knee - and it's dark hair. Should I say something? I don't know if

You have hair issuses don't you?

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