Friday, June 18, 2010

What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots

And the hair looks like straw. Like the hair on the cheapest kind of doll. Is that considered attrative anywhere?

What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots show?

I did that when I was sophomore in high school- 3 months spent crying and about $400 later (and this was a number of years ago) I looked like my old self. I'll never do it again.

It's not attractive anywhere, but sometimes a gal needs to experiment and messes up. You need to let your hair grow for a month or so before you can fix it, or fixing it with coloring can burn your scalp.

As for the women who do it on purpose- I've always wondered the same thing.

What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots show?

I don't think is attractive.

What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots show?

I dont understand it either. Its ugly.

What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots show?


What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots show?

Yapp, thatz pretty scary for me. They shouldnt dye their hair anyway, itz just my opinion, cuz itz not natural... But everybody wanna try to be pretty.

What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots show?

Its common round here and sooo tacky

What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots show?

i dont understand it they are trying to look like trailer trash or something?...but they probably think its attractive...because thats how they work they think anything and everything looks good on them. sometimes it does but sometimes it doesnt that is just how it and they probably let it grow in because they dont wanna spen the money to get it re-done or dont have the money at the time to get it never know but thats jusyt my opinion on tha subcect lol...:P hope my opinion helps

What up this this deal of dark haired women dying their hair white blond and then letting the roots show?

They dye their hair becuz they want a new look. And the roots grow out so that is why the natural hair color shows. Its not like they do it on purpose, the roots just grow out and they go back and get the roots filled in.

It looks really good on some people and not that attractive on others.

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